Case Study

Financial Institution

Corporate Card

The Challenge

Large financial institution with hundreds of institutional partners who qualified for multimillion-dollar incentive rebates for credit card purchases was constantly falling short on reserving enough cash on their balance sheet to pay rebates to their institutional clients. As a result, the company needed a system to track and mange rebate expenditures with the appropriate budget allocations for each institutional client.

The Solution

Developed an integrated & automated Excel financial model with custom user interface that tapped into the financial institutions database to extract relevant data. The solution accurately projected forward forecasts of monetary reserves by month and year to meet customer obligations.

The Benefits

  • Increased accuracy of budget planning and operational expenditures
  • Accurately projected rebate payments to institutional clients within 1% of actual payments
  • Provided visibility and key insights into the business unit’s portfolio that was used to create future offerings
  • Comprehensive solution with rapid time to value

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